Allison Manifold 
Period 9
Creative Writing 
"Good God, Jade! Is your hair black and purple?" Jives asked as his eyes widened past what I thought was physically possible for any human being.
"Hahaha yeah it is. I got it ombre-ed yesterday. Do you like it?" I asked.
"I'm not payed for my opinion but, personally, yes I think it suits you well; however, your parents may not like it" he said, eyes still wide and his face was etched with anxiety.
"If my parents wanted a say, or even an opinion, on anything in my life, they shouldn't have moved to another country and decided that they're too rich to be parents" I said with slight anger in my voice.
"Jade, even though I don't agree with their methods either, you're parents love you enough to buy you an apartment, send you five grand a week for your own use, and hire a round the clock guardian for you."
"Oh, yes. I forgot they're rich enough to buy my love and approval as well," I said with sarcasm, and a cat like smile "But I guess they didn't do too bad guardian wise." I smile to myself, feeling the endearment I have towards Jives. He's always been like an uncle to me, and is the only person that cares about my well being. Then I feel a pang in my stomach as I think about my parents who fail to take care of their own children. Anger stirs in me but resolves in feeling empty, as I usually do when the occasional thought of my parents cross my mind.
Nothing is better than getting out of the shower and feeling completely clean and fresh. I pulled a warm, thick dark blue towel around me as I stepped out of the shower. I walked over to the white marble bathroom sink and clicked the home button on my iPhone. Dread and anxiety bloomed in my stomach as I saw I had fourteen unread text messages and eight missed calls from my “father”. Yesterday was his birthday, and the fact he never called or texted me on my birthday I felt no obligation to do so for him. Reluctantly, I skimmed over the messages he sent me which consisted of him being upset because I am a disrespectful and ungrateful daughter and that he demanded I speak with him. 
Sorry I missed your calls, I’m busy at the moment. I’ll call you back when I can.  I replied through text, deciding I would rather talk with him after I finish getting ready.
After putting my phone on silent, I finished drying myself off and decided on some ripped up, black, studded shorts along with my favorite The Used tank top and a pair of black Vans. Then, I took the moon stud I had in my left nostril and replaced it with a thin, black hoop. Next, I removed the silver hoop out of the piercing in the right side of my bottom lip and replaced it with a black spiral lip ring. Lifting up my upper lip, I decided I'd keep my silver circular barbell in my smiley. Not wanting to mess with my ear piercings or stretchers, I moved onto makeup. I applied my black eyeliner and then my fake eyelashes and blended some concealer and foundation on my face. I looked into the mirror and inspecting my work thus far. Gaahh I forgot about my hair. I thought to myself as I looked at my half way dry, black and purple waves. I got out my hairdryer and attempted to make it look somewhat presentable. After about fifteen minutes of blowdrying it I decided it look good enough and grabbed my Blink-182 hat and put it on backwards. Thats much better, I thought as I looked myself over one more time.
Facing the fact that I was finally done getting ready, I forced my self to turn my phone on vibrate and check my notifications. Four unread messages. All from “Father”. Really. I reluctantly unlocked my phone and read through the messages that overall said I was an awful daughter, and that family matters should always come first. Funny. I felt the dread and anxiety melt away as rage boiled throughout my entire being. I hit his contact button and selected "Voice Call".  The line rang once before he answered. 
"Finally. What were you doing that you couldn't even reply to me? I'm getting really tired of this, Jade. You're so selfish and you have no thought or care for my feelings. Do you even know how that feels? I’m your father. I provide you with everything you could ever want. I don’t have to send you five thousand dollars every week, you know. Yet you don’t even have the decency or respect to wish me a happy birthday" his deep voice was strained, and almost unfamiliar. 
“I’m selfish? That’s funny, because I don’t remember pushing my children off to other people so they could be a parent for me while I party. Did you happen to choke while writing ‘family matters should always come first’? So sorry I don’t have care for the feelings of my invisible father!” I screamed, growing more and more angry “You provide me with money, not everything I want. I can’t remember the last time you ever wished me a happy birthday, and no, the extra five hundred dollars you send me doesn’t count. You’ll never cut off the money flow because that would mean you’d actually have to live with me and be a parent. I don’t even care about money. Call me when you’re actually ready to be a father.” 
Tears roll down my face as I hang up my phone and turn all my notifications off. Wanting to go lay down in bed and watch a couple movies to distract myself from the overwhelming sadness and frustration that was growing in my stomach, I started to walk to my bedroom but Jives stopped me halfway.  
“What’s wrong?” he asked, with his eyes full of concern.
“My parents.”
“Wanna talk?” 
“No, thank you though.”
“Okay, but if you change your mind I’m always here. How about I go get your favorite chinese food and some ice cream to help you feel a little better” he suggested with a smile.
“That sounds really nice, actually. Thank you.”
He stayed until I put a movie on to make sure he wasn’t leaving me in a state of depression, and gave me a big bear hug before he left. Even though Jives wasn’t related to me by blood, he still treats me like I’m his own daughter and looks out for my best interest. I guess that’s what family truly is anyway.  


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


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